Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Smiling for Nana Mel

This video is for Nana Mel. We all know that you cannot make it down, but hope that you get a smile on your face by seeing this video.

NIght at Central Market

This last Saturday Chenille and I decided we wanted to go to Central Market with some of our friends for a fun night of dinner and free entertainment. Central Market is "high end" market that sells foods that you cannot necessarily buy at a regular grocery store. Pretty much, unless you're rich, you don't shop at Central Market regularly. Once in a blue moon we will find ourselves at the market, but only really to look around. However, this last weekend we wanted to enjoy some free entertainment Central market puts on weekly. They have a outside Patio equipped for bands and a lot of seating. This was a great place to hang out for the kids because they could play on the playground and not be constrained to be quiet. It was loud and fun. We got to share in the fun with most of our friends of whom you will see on the pictures above.

This was good for the Gaum Squad considering I have had to put on the man boob and watch Ethan all last week while Chenille brought home the bacon. For those of you who know me, I can't stand not being the "provider." Getting out that night helped me relax and know that soon and very soon, Chenille will not have to help fill that role.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Planting a Church.

Chenille and I know that we are going to team in a church plant one day, but have no idea who, what, when, where, or how? We need your prayers in the following ways:

  1. Who will we team with in this journey?
  2. What are we to do in the meantime?
  3. When are we to actually begin this process?
  4. Where are we to go?
  5. How do we organize thought and vision for the plant?
  6. Most of all. Pray that we respond to the call of God with obedience. We seek to see that Jesus gets the most glory out of our move. We in no way want to center this process on ourselves. Our home, money, food, clothing, and family are the least of our concerns for planting a church. Our aim is to please the King.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Videos from our Missouri trip.

We spent an evening with Chenille's dad and his side of the family. We ate at Mexican Villa and had Andy's Frozen Custard for desert! Two of our favorites. Ethan got to hang out with his two cousins Ava, and Nathaniel Bayless.

While we were at Grandpa and Nana Gaumer's house, Ethan did not enjoy laying on the footrest.

The Brushwood's. Jason is a longtime friend of mine. We go way back...back to our Junior High years. Jason and I played football from 7th grade until our sophmore year in college. It is amazing to look back into our former ways and see how we have been changed by Jesus. Never during our High School years would we have thought that we would be devout followers of Jesus, eating McAllister's with our wives and children, and I would be attending Seminary! If you know us, then that statement makes sense.