Monday, December 22, 2008

The Character of a Man

Dan went into the hospital concerned with a cough and was informed of pneumonia. However, Doctors later discovered that the pneumonia was covering a worse problem, cancer. For the last couple of weeks Dan has been categorized as stage three. Within the last two days Dan has been staged to a category four. Dan has been worsening by the day and undergoing KEMO therapy to go along with a multitude of med's. This is his current condition.

When Chenille and I heard of this news about a week ago, we immediately hit our knees and prayed earnestly for him and his lovely wife Karilynn. Dan and Karilynn are friends of ours in Missouri who attend our old home church, Boulevard Baptist. Our relationship began with Chenille; Dan and Karilynn were involved in Chenille's life during college at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Chenille, losing contact with them for a time was reunited with them through "random" circumstances. This circumstance led to Dan and Karilynn's commitment to Boulevard Baptist. Dan and Karilynn were in a phase of finding a church home when they ran across Chenille. This intersection was the best happening for the two of them. Ever since their joining to the church four years ago, they have been heavily involved with serving the church and gaining family amongst believers.

There is something unique about this couple. They are in their fifties (I presume) and have no children. Not because they don't want them, but because they are unable. I remember several years ago when Chenille and I went to their house for dinner; Dan explained to me their grief of not having children and then prompted to explain to me how the students in FCA and at the church are their "adopted children." All over their house are pictures of young men and women whom they have influenced over the years. This was encouraging.

When I heard the terrible news of his disease, I could not help but think of this passage in John, "Woman, behold, your son! Then he said to the disciple, 'Behold, your mother!' And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home." (John 19:26-27) I thought it amazing that Jesus, while on the cross thought it significant that his mother make family with those of whom share in his death. It is in the cross of Jesus that his very own mother can become the mother of the disciples and visa versa. So too is it with fatherhood, sisterhood, brotherhood, etc. Dan is the mold of this passage. I can see him at the feet of Jesus and Jesus telling him, "behold, your daughter." Yes, Dan treated my wife like a daughter. Never before have I seen a man (not even her own father) treat her like he does. I can recall every Sunday Dan would hug my wife as though he was hugging the daughter he could never have. Always curious about Chenille's well being, Dan would sarcastically (but slightly serious) make sure that I am treating her like a queen. So many times Dan would express to her his gratitude for introducing them to the church. Even today, he gives her thanks.

Yesterday at church, I approached Dan and expressed to him how he has been a great father to Chenille. He was grateful, however, his demeanor was impressive. He do I say...fixated on Christ! So many stories he was telling me about men and women all over the world praying for him. He was so entrenched in the love of Christ, it was hard for him to stay composed. So in love with the local church that he would not miss a Sunday even if he was coughing blood and mucus. So enamored with the body and teaching of the gospel, he hugged my wife with a powerful hug and thanked her for bringing them to such a wonderful church. I was moved. Little do we know, this may be the last words we hear him speak.

After church we were driving home and I said to Chenille, "you can really know a lot about a man's character when they are about to die." Dan's mind has been so entrenched with the cross that even up to his death he will give Jesus all glory. This is what I desire and long for. I pray that when Dan leaves this world, he will leave a legacy that will impact all his children of whom is my wife.


Anonymous said...

I am saddened to hear about your friend, but encouraged at his fixation on Christ throughout it all. Sounds like an amazing man. Talk about leaving a legacy for Christ!

Nanna Mel said...
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