Sunday, October 26, 2008

Help Stop the Thirst

The following statements are posted on the Each statement (on the website) is referenced with credible sources to accurately lead you to understand the crisis at hand.

For some time Chenille and I have been faced with the hard reality that spending money on ourselves is selfish (regardless your annual income) and not thinking of others who could actually use the money to live. I have posted the following from the Love Alliance to persuade you to act.

I have also posted some other sites on the link listing to the right -->

Also, check out the Duncans latest post on Advent Conspiracy -->

- Every 15 seconds someone dies of a waterborne illness. [ref.]
- Currently, over 1 Billion people in the world do not have access to an improved drinking water source. [ref.]Every person must drink water to live. For these billion people, ever day is a gamble as to whether the thing they need to live will actually kill them.
- Only 2.5% of the world’s water is fresh water. Currently less than 1% is ready for human consumption. 65% of that 1% available drinking water is used up by only 10 of the 191 nations of the world. [ref.]
- 41% of the world does not have access to adequate sanitation facilities, making the likelihood of water contamination and waterborne illness increase greatly. [ref.]Imagine the likelihood of disease in a place where they have no choice but to allow the sewage to run in the streets. Many of these places do not have a protected water source allowing their already questionable water to become even more contaminated.
- More than 50 Million people drink arsenic-poisoned water in China and south Asia. [ref.] The clean water epidemic is not just confined to Africa. This crisis is cross-cultural and cross continental.
- The amount of money North America spends on soda every year would solve the clean water crisis. [ref.]The clean water crisis is an easily solvable problem if we would all simply come together.
- $1 provides one year of clean water for an African. [ref.]What seems like such a colossal problem to help all of a sudden becomes easily helpable. The cost of one item on a fast food value menu can utterly change a person’s life for a whole year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greg! Josh told me about your post today. I am excited about checking out the lovealliance website you mentioned in your blog. Sounds like they are on the same mission as advent conspiracy. We have had the same convictions as you and Chenille about how we selfishly spend money when people are dying every day. We have faced conflict as a result, which we will have to explain another time, but God is faithful and continually teaching us His Truth and how we are to apply it directly to our lives. Hope all is well with you guys. We miss you and are continually praying for you.