Monday, December 22, 2008
The Character of a Man
When Chenille and I heard of this news about a week ago, we immediately hit our knees and prayed earnestly for him and his lovely wife Karilynn. Dan and Karilynn are friends of ours in Missouri who attend our old home church, Boulevard Baptist. Our relationship began with Chenille; Dan and Karilynn were involved in Chenille's life during college at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Chenille, losing contact with them for a time was reunited with them through "random" circumstances. This circumstance led to Dan and Karilynn's commitment to Boulevard Baptist. Dan and Karilynn were in a phase of finding a church home when they ran across Chenille. This intersection was the best happening for the two of them. Ever since their joining to the church four years ago, they have been heavily involved with serving the church and gaining family amongst believers.
There is something unique about this couple. They are in their fifties (I presume) and have no children. Not because they don't want them, but because they are unable. I remember several years ago when Chenille and I went to their house for dinner; Dan explained to me their grief of not having children and then prompted to explain to me how the students in FCA and at the church are their "adopted children." All over their house are pictures of young men and women whom they have influenced over the years. This was encouraging.
When I heard the terrible news of his disease, I could not help but think of this passage in John, "Woman, behold, your son! Then he said to the disciple, 'Behold, your mother!' And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home." (John 19:26-27) I thought it amazing that Jesus, while on the cross thought it significant that his mother make family with those of whom share in his death. It is in the cross of Jesus that his very own mother can become the mother of the disciples and visa versa. So too is it with fatherhood, sisterhood, brotherhood, etc. Dan is the mold of this passage. I can see him at the feet of Jesus and Jesus telling him, "behold, your daughter." Yes, Dan treated my wife like a daughter. Never before have I seen a man (not even her own father) treat her like he does. I can recall every Sunday Dan would hug my wife as though he was hugging the daughter he could never have. Always curious about Chenille's well being, Dan would sarcastically (but slightly serious) make sure that I am treating her like a queen. So many times Dan would express to her his gratitude for introducing them to the church. Even today, he gives her thanks.
Yesterday at church, I approached Dan and expressed to him how he has been a great father to Chenille. He was grateful, however, his demeanor was impressive. He do I say...fixated on Christ! So many stories he was telling me about men and women all over the world praying for him. He was so entrenched in the love of Christ, it was hard for him to stay composed. So in love with the local church that he would not miss a Sunday even if he was coughing blood and mucus. So enamored with the body and teaching of the gospel, he hugged my wife with a powerful hug and thanked her for bringing them to such a wonderful church. I was moved. Little do we know, this may be the last words we hear him speak.
After church we were driving home and I said to Chenille, "you can really know a lot about a man's character when they are about to die." Dan's mind has been so entrenched with the cross that even up to his death he will give Jesus all glory. This is what I desire and long for. I pray that when Dan leaves this world, he will leave a legacy that will impact all his children of whom is my wife.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
A Busy Blessing
Sermon Preparation (Due Sunday, 23)
I was asked to deliver a sermon on Sunday, November 23. I took the challenge weeks in advance and began making preparations. I was preparing over Malachi 3:16-4:6 and was finding it to be very rewarding. By the time Sunday was approaching for me to deliver my sermon, I felt confident that I had the content understood, however, I was uneasy on sermon delivery. With writing my research papers and the Boot camp and Conferences approaching, I knew my time was slim. Time was slim indeed. I found myself with fewer and fewer time preparing for delivery and having to exhort more time towards my family and school responsibilities. By the time Sunday had approached I was confident that preaching the Word of God was going to have to be a move of the Holy Spirit. With little sleep and much prayer, the Lord brought me through to deliver a Jesus honoring sermon.
Research/Essay Papers (Due Thursday, 20)
Nothing is more exciting than every professor assigning all "do" assignments on the exact same day. It is really a blessing of school. Not! This was my case with all my papers. Spending countless hours in the library and often having to survive off the caffeine addiction of coffee, I wrote, and wrote, and wrote, and wrote. Amidst all of this great suffering for the great name of academia I was trying to balance husbandry, fatherhood, minister, and student simultaneously. Whoa! Needless to say, I was able to complete the two research papers but had to ask for an extension on my essay papers. Before you condemn me on slacking in my school work, know that I chose to make my family and sermon preparation a major priority over school. Since time has passed, all homework has been completed and the semester is almost final.
Acts 29 Boot Camp (Wednesday, 19-20)
Boot Camp? What the heck is the Boot camp? First, Acts 29 is the name of a church planting network based out of Seattle Washington. The founder of the network is a man named Mark Driscoll. He is current pastor at Mars Hill Church, Seattle. The Boot Camp is created for those who want to church plant through the network. Chenille and I are planning on planting through this network and when we heard that they camp was going to be held in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, we knew that it was wise for me to go. Chenille could not go because of work, so I had to suffer by missing school and work. If you want to know more about the camp or the network, click on this link.
The stressing point for me during the conference was knowing that my papers were do that Thursday and I had a sermon to preach the following Sunday. Wait, I also had to pick up my mother at the airport on Saturday. Yes, my mind was full. Yet, in the meantime I was able to enjoy the time with much of my church family and two really good friends of Chenille and I, Stiko and Kelechi. These two are praying and considering church planting with Chenille and I. So, our time at the conference was fun and informative.
Song of Solomon Conference (Friday 21-22)
After the Boot Camp and the turning in of my research papers, I was glad to go home to my wife and take her to north Dallas to a marriage/sex conference. Having some weight lifted off my shoulders, this conference was needed. We traveled to Dallas after work on Friday, only after dropping Ethan off at some friends for the night. When we arrived in Dallas, we realized we forgot our Bibles and the laptop. Yes, the laptop with my sermon outline. No big deal, I was only going to be preaching the Word of God on Sunday! Needless to say, it was worth not having that stinking laptop so that I could focus on more important issues like sex. Oh yeah.
The Conference was led by Mark Driscoll (Ironically), who had prior engagements to teach at the Acts 29 Boot Camp and the Song of Solomon Conference. So, I was blessed twice with good teaching. Friday night and Saturday morning were honoring times of walking through the book of Song of Solomon verse by verse. Driscoll illuminated some facets to our marriage that we (all married people) need to work on. With good news, Chenille and I have been advancing greatly in our marriage and our love for one another. If you want more about this conference, check out Driscoll's sermon series over Song of Solomon called, The Peasant Princess.
By the time the conference was over, we had to rush home, get Ethan and later pick up my Mother from the airport.
Thanksgiving Week with Family (Saturday 22-30)
After my hectic week of school deadlines and conferences it was like salt to the wound when Ethan caught the stomach bug literally a day before Nana Mel came to town. However, the would be spent well.
My Mother came into town on Saturday evening. and left on Tuesday morning. During the time she was here, we were able to take her out to eat and enjoy watching the movie Madagascar II. My Mom was never seen without her camera phone in hand taking pictures of Ethan. This was good for her because this was the first time that she has been able to see Ethan since he was born. For you who don't know, she lives in Pennsylvania. So, we had a good time.
Only one day after my Mother left back to Pennsylvania, Chenille's Mother and Step Dad, Doug came into town to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. We were happy to have Thanksgiving at our home because traveling is difficult for us, especially when going home consists of visiting 5-10 different homes.
On Thanksgiving we decided to go to the Fort Worth Turkey Trot. Chenille, Debbie, Ethan, and I walked/ran the 5k while Doug ran the 10k. Let me be honest, if my stomach wasn't queasy, I would have manned up the 10k with Doug. haha After the Turkey Trot, we came home, Chenille and Debbie cooked our food while Doug, Ethan, and I hung out until it was time to eat. When time came to eat, two of our friends/neighbors (Tim and Jill) came over to eat with us. This was fun because Chenille and I love company. Overall, Thanksgiving was great. We had family and friends we could enjoy and I had my beautiful wife to stare at while I ate her bomb mashed potatoes.
There it is, in a very compact nutshell. The most stressful blessing I have ever encountered. I hope I wasn't too vague in my description, but if I start to give good detail, then I will write more than is necessary for a blog.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
$30 later and stilll no Tut
After walking through a mile long empty rope course to the ticket master our line was headed for the entrance of the great unknown. The guard at the end of the rope line held us in anticipation for the signal for entry into the exhibit. The entrance was quiet, unnerving, and even awkward as the doors mechanically shut behind us. We were trapped! But we were anxious for it. After a thirty second spiel over the time travel, a video was played that intricately painted an image of ancient tourism that was to take place for the next ninety minutes. Upon the conclusion of the video, a wall opened up and there before us was...the statue head of King Tut. Oh yeah, this was going to be a breath taking exhibit. The tour was mazed with artifacts and idols with ancient Egyptian craftsmanship. Beautifully laid gold and hand crafted wood. Nothing was more glamorous than the ancient artistry that laid before me. But I could feel it. I could sense it. They are building us up to the climatic ending to this exhibit. I can't wait til' the end! Turning more corners and reading more facts, I could see the eyes of the people as they were educating their minds for something grand. The room was so concentrated that even people who hate to read were reading. Tut's tomb had drawn us all to scholarship. Everybody was intrigued and interested. I knew it was coming soon. We were approaching the room of Tut's treasures that were laid in his tomb. Just a couple more turns and we're there! Tut's exquisite chair; the golden sarcophagus'; the jewelry; radiant weaponry; everything a young pagan worshipper could ever dream of in the after life, all right before my eyes. Then it happened. I turned the corner, and there he wasn't! In the middle of the room, where King Tut's coffin should be on display is replaced by a projected image of his coffin. The gasp was so strong. Maybe, only for me. Where was my thirty dollar King? Maybe, he's in the next room. I easingly built my hope back to its peak only to find the last room lead all of us to the exit and gift shop.
What can I say? What could I do? After 3,000 years King Tut ripped me off.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Help Stop the Thirst
For some time Chenille and I have been faced with the hard reality that spending money on ourselves is selfish (regardless your annual income) and not thinking of others who could actually use the money to live. I have posted the following from the Love Alliance to persuade you to act.
I have also posted some other sites on the link listing to the right -->
Also, check out the Duncans latest post on Advent Conspiracy -->
- Every 15 seconds someone dies of a waterborne illness. [ref.]
- Currently, over 1 Billion people in the world do not have access to an improved drinking water source. [ref.]Every person must drink water to live. For these billion people, ever day is a gamble as to whether the thing they need to live will actually kill them.
- Only 2.5% of the world’s water is fresh water. Currently less than 1% is ready for human consumption. 65% of that 1% available drinking water is used up by only 10 of the 191 nations of the world. [ref.]
- 41% of the world does not have access to adequate sanitation facilities, making the likelihood of water contamination and waterborne illness increase greatly. [ref.]Imagine the likelihood of disease in a place where they have no choice but to allow the sewage to run in the streets. Many of these places do not have a protected water source allowing their already questionable water to become even more contaminated.
- More than 50 Million people drink arsenic-poisoned water in China and south Asia. [ref.] The clean water epidemic is not just confined to Africa. This crisis is cross-cultural and cross continental.
- The amount of money North America spends on soda every year would solve the clean water crisis. [ref.]The clean water crisis is an easily solvable problem if we would all simply come together.
- $1 provides one year of clean water for an African. [ref.]What seems like such a colossal problem to help all of a sudden becomes easily helpable. The cost of one item on a fast food value menu can utterly change a person’s life for a whole year.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Leaping Like Calves
"'Remember the law of my servant Moses, the statutes and rules that I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel.'" (v4)
Understand with me:
Galatians 3:10 says,
"For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, 'Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.'"
Explanation: In corolation to Malachi, God wants His people who are waiting for the coming Healer, to remember the laws so that they may realize that they are incapable of obtaining perfection in the law. You say, "that's obsurd!" Yes, there is hope for the one who realizes they are insufficient in comparrison to God's laws. Continue to read as Galatians says,
"Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for 'The righteous shall live by faith.'"(3:11)
So, what is the purpose of the law?
"the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith." (3:24)
When men realize that they are sinful in comparison to a perfect law, then are they ready to praise a righteous Savior who is capable to fulfill all the law in His life. This person is Jesus.
All that was stated above concludes to the picture painted in the rest of Malachi 4. Before Jesus actually makes His way to the scence, John the Baptist must come (v5) and prepare the hearts of those who found themselves empty in light of the law.
Law-->Inability to fulfill Law-->Recognition that I am a sinner-->I need a Savior-->Jesus is capable to fulfill the law in His life-->Jesus dies for the sins of the world-->I recognize Him as Savior and worship Him.
I hope that this short meditation has shed some light on your understanding for the need of a Savior. All Scripture does and should through the inclinations of our hearts point to Jesus and our need of Him. If I fail at this, then I fail at the preaching of the gospel.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Correcting my Tone
Please hear me correctly, I am not angry or upset at people who are gay. I am no more angry at homosexuals than I am at murderers, adulterers, child molesters, etc.
Believe me, there is no other way to overcome evil except to love. I adhere to Paul's words when he says, "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.' 20 To the contrary, 'if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.' 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:18-21 18
If you are having difficulty understanding my tone concerning Soul Force its are. Saying words like "annoy" and "overtly proud homosexuals" can draw the tone to a negative light. While I was being negative to a degree, I was saying it with semi-sarcasm. In other words, it would have been better if you heard me in conversation.
I want to apologize for the appearance of a harsh unloving tone. Your perception is correct, so please accept the apology. For the sake of Christ, I don't apologize for the truth of the gospel. I say that only for those who read this blog and don't know who I am.
My goal is to overcome Soul Force with love in the gospel. To be honest, I have not even planned on addressing their homosexuality as a first assault, I assume they will bring that up on their own. My goal is to address their hearts, which are in rebellion to Christ. James says, " 10 For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it."James 2:10 I must have them recognize their state of sin before I can dialogue the need for a Savior. Their concept of a Savior will be void unless I can convince them that they are legitimate sinners, just like all men of all time.
F.Y.I.-Yes, I will give them a hug. But if they grab or pinch my butt, its on like Donkey Kong.
When that date arrives, I will be locked (literally with a chastity belt) and loaded for a great day of witnessing the great love of Christ by loving my God and loving my neighbor.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My Day in a Nutshell
Hold on to your blouses!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
They will Hate you...
As I read this sad story, along with most that are posted on this site. I began to think about my country. Not only my country, but believers in my country. Even deeper than that, believers in my country who have remorse for this girl, yet are guilty of similar crime.
Jesus says to His disciples concerning the cost of spreading His name, "Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death, and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:21-22 21
In retrospect, the girl killed in Saudi Arabia has become a fulfillment of such evil. Jesus' name is so irritable to the human mind, that it causes an anger to burn into the heart. An anger so deep that it would cause someone to kill their own children. I know what your thinking, "How could that man do that to his daughter, I would never kill my children because of Jesus."
What if I could pick at your heart and maybe prove you wrong? and not just you who are anti-Christian, but those of you who are Christian.
Consider Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount, "You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.' But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, 'You fool!' will be liable to the hell of fire."Matthew 5:21-22 21
Jesus gives convicting words. Words that effect the heart of a man, not his actions. According to Jesus' words, the man who commited murder in Saudi Arabia is no more guilty than the one who is angry with his brother.
I write these words to remind people that while the act of murder seems significant, you hindering your son or daughter form advancing in the gospel can be just as much murder. For, what parent would not let their child advance for the cause of Christ unless there is some anger towards them?
I do not want to be a discouragement, but want to warn you of the log in your face before you try to take the spec out of your neighbors eye.
Why do people hate Jesus so much? Oh yeah, I remember...He demands that people DIE TO THEMSELVES and follow after Him. Yes, He is also the sustainer of all living things. That's right, The King. Just before you begin to judge your children's attempt to please the King, be sure your heart is motivated towards teh Kingdom of God.
Monday, September 1, 2008
The start of a busy year
Chenille has started working at Summer Creek Middle School. She is in a tough position because the school is brand new and requires a new system of organization. Beginning from scratch tends to become more work than expected. However, she loves her kids and is predicting a very good and calm school year after these first few weeks get under the belt. Chenille is excited to coach eigth grade this year as she coached seventh last year. Therefore, she will be able to coach most of the same girls again this year, making for a pretty good season.
As for me, I started classes and hope to utilize what I learn for the ministry field. I am not too excited for my classes this semester, but I hope that will change when these few weeks calm down. It seems that every day presents a new set of wanders in my mind that cause me to lose track of my work at Seminary.
Ethan is doing well and seems to like daycare very well. The workers always seem to tell us that he is a "great baby." They can't believe how calm and relaxed he is. This is good for us considering that studying and chores can get accomplished easier with his cooperating behavior. Now, do I expect this when he gets older? No. I believe in the saying, "calm before the storm." I have a feeling the Lord is waiting for me to get out of school until he unleashes the beast that awaits the body of little Ethan Gaumer.
Well, that was a breif synopsis of our lives. So if you want to pray for those things, we would appreciate it. In the mean time I have been able to construct a tract for the neighborhood we live in. I will let you see it just as soo I as I have completed it.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Smiling for Nana Mel
This video is for Nana Mel. We all know that you cannot make it down, but hope that you get a smile on your face by seeing this video.
NIght at Central Market
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Planting a Church.
- Who will we team with in this journey?
- What are we to do in the meantime?
- When are we to actually begin this process?
- Where are we to go?
- How do we organize thought and vision for the plant?
- Most of all. Pray that we respond to the call of God with obedience. We seek to see that Jesus gets the most glory out of our move. We in no way want to center this process on ourselves. Our home, money, food, clothing, and family are the least of our concerns for planting a church. Our aim is to please the King.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Videos from our Missouri trip.
We spent an evening with Chenille's dad and his side of the family. We ate at Mexican Villa and had Andy's Frozen Custard for desert! Two of our favorites. Ethan got to hang out with his two cousins Ava, and Nathaniel Bayless.
While we were at Grandpa and Nana Gaumer's house, Ethan did not enjoy laying on the footrest.
The Brushwood's. Jason is a longtime friend of mine. We go way back...back to our Junior High years. Jason and I played football from 7th grade until our sophmore year in college. It is amazing to look back into our former ways and see how we have been changed by Jesus. Never during our High School years would we have thought that we would be devout followers of Jesus, eating McAllister's with our wives and children, and I would be attending Seminary! If you know us, then that statement makes sense.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Loving my wife
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Standard by Which we are Judged.
After the service, we were all able to wait and then hang out with Voddie and his son for a late night dinner. We were able to recieve this "hook-up" because of a good friend of ours. Anthony Moore had met Voddie a couple years ago at another conference. Ever since, him and Voddie have kept in touch. Therefore, we were able to meet him and have dinner. Dinner was fun. I got to ask him some questions about his latest book Family Driven Faith, and some advice for a young minister.
The evening was fun, and at the same time we were able to meet a man who literally preaches the gospel to the entire world.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Israel 2007-08
Things to know before watching the video:
- The title page plays for 30 seconds and then the video starts. So be patient, or move the play bar forward to the 30 second mark.
- Click play and then pause quickly to let the video load. This is to help avoid constant pausing while watching the video.
- Lastly, no I did not create the video. Some guy I know at my school did it within a couple of hours (without much notice). Yeah, he's good at this stuff.
This video is for all those who supported us so that I could go to Israel this last winter. It was a great trip and I learned a lot. The video is arranged to give the viewer the idea of how we have come from the "wilderness" to redemption through the cross of Christ. The song that plays to the video is a song that I heard for the first time while on the trip. I immediately loved the song and thought it perfect for this video.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Family Altar Soars...
For those of you unaware. Chenille and I are doing what we call Family Altar. This is a time designated once a week for us to discuss faith, family, and finances. During this time we will pray, read scripture and recite the last weeks scripture memory. This is designed to help keep the idea of Deuteronomy 6 at the forefront of our home. Ok, before you become distraught with our "super-holiness," let me explain that this has taken over four years for us to establish. Believe me, this is a huge step. My mentor for the last two years has been encouraging me to begin a family altar. However, my rebellious nature wasn't for sure on how it would work out. For the last several years, Chenille and I have had a good relationship minus the family altar. Well...push come to shove, I finally realized that if I cannot be successful with the spiritual growth of my own family, then how the heck am I going to guide a flock of people who are not even related to me?! Another factor that helped me push the Deuteronomy 6 plan were the Jews. I was able to shortly observe the attitudes of orthodox Jews while I was in Israel and came to find out that men really do like to lead their families in godliness. Yes, I was able to pick up on that within a TWO WEEK time period. I believe the western world has a lot to learn from our Jewish friends.
Anyway, Family Altar is great because Chenille and I are able to communicate clearly once a week during our hectic lives, which in turn allows us to communicate through other avenues during the course of the week. It also provides a means to evaluate and keep our walk with Jesus in close check. Lastly, it helps us remember the usage of our possesions for the Kingdom of God.
I wanted to write this not to be boastful or a discouragement. Rather, I wanted it to be the opposite. If any of you struggle with family devotion times, do not feel alone. Chenille and I have been there for years. We have always talked about God and scripture together, but now it seems like we are actually going to be headed in an organized direction that is set upon a goal which is ultimately the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Need for a Prophet
Unlike the Mormons misconstrued idea of modern day prophets, the evangelical world needs to reclaim the proper understanding of modern day prophets.
Before you raise the stone, let me explain...
Jeremiah 26:2 says, "'Thus says the LORD: Stand in the court of the LORD's house, and speak to all the cities of Judah that come to worship in the house of the LORD all the words that I command you to speak to them; do not hold back a word..."
Reflection: As I was sitting on the couch with my son Ethan, I thought about this passage. What if George Bush addressed the nation and said something like this, "Fellow Americans, it is time for you to repent and follow Jesus Christ." Yes, highly unlikely. You could imagine, it would create an uproar. However, George Bush is not going to be the prophet for the modern day saint. Rather, it is the responsibility of those who have been called by God to preach the word. Jeremiah was a priest, not a president. He was called upon to prophesy to Judah the punishment that was to come because of their disobedience. Cursing the city of Jerusalem is not exactly a kind message that Judah wanted to hear from a prophet, but God commanded him to not "hold back a word."
Prophecy is defined as a form of proclamation, not fortune telling, or future predictions. Prophets exist today as much as in the time of Jeremiah. Preachers are our "modern day prophets." Men are called as preachers to proclaim with all boldness the gospel of truth to the nations. Preachers are not to "hold back a word" when it come to the scriptures. Every motive of the heart that needs to be addressed can be found in the scriptures. The church needs more bold prophets to continue to proclaim that message to a lost and dying world. The government is not going to proclaim that kind of message nor are they responsible for doing so.
In short, I am talking to myself and all those who are called to preach the word. Stop proclaiming a generic gospel full of self-help tips, and feel good testimonies. Rather, proclaim the gospel that exposes the whores that we are in comparison to the Holy God that created us. Expose the idols of t.v., books, music, sex, false gods, etc. and make it known that the God of this universe demands to be known and worshipped. Preachers, do not expect authorities to step up and be a voice. Many Kings have risen and done nothing but given thought only to themselves, but a true prophet has always been the voice heard and the voice rejected because it countered the desires of the flesh.
Preach the word! 2 Tim. 4:2
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sermon Reflection
1 Corinthians 1:10-25
I really enjoyed today's sermon. Nick covered the text well in corolation to modern context of the church. The duration of his message covered these three main targets of church division:
- "Irritatingly Arrogant"-we as believers, become marketing agents for our churches as though they are the only Christ exalting organization in the entire community. We boast in how our churches serve coffee, entertain contemporary audiences, etc.
- "Excessively Egotistical"-We desire to be recognized by popularity. We boast because our Pastors have blog sites, published books, radio time, and live feeds of their sermons. We associate ourselves to the success of our church and ministers as though to claim it as our own. Other churches now become more of a stinch than the enemy.
- "Severly Self-Obsessed"-We become more concerned about personal prefrences than the gospel of Christ. Most times without recognition, we strive to replace God with ourselves. Christ is no longer the centrality of the churches vision.
These three tendancies that Nick revealed spoke much truth concerning the American church (as far as I have witnessed). Nick hammered the nail on the head when he said, "a dividing line that runs straight through humanity is the cross." According to the church at Corinth they were concerned on these elements that plague the church today. Paul reminds them that while they are concerning themselves with personal pride and arrogance, the real issue is the cross. Paul wants Corinth to understand that the cross is not the most attractive element to the church (v.18). Therefore, the church must accept that Jesus must be central attraction to the believer and the central stench to the world. People must not be attracted to the church for its worldly attributes, but for its worship of Christ.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Pictures at Target
Despite the extreme humor, we were able to take some great pictures. I'll post them up as soon as I can.